Sunday, November 11, 2007

Entry for December 03, 2005 (from my yahoo blog)


I received a call yesterday... from an old classmate of mine.
I have never met him so far since I left school for more than ___ years. (fill in the blank yourself)
He has organised a mini party at a rented hall yesterday evening and had invited all his ex-schoolmates and classmates for this gathering.... I am one of the last few being invited.
Besides inviting his classmates and schoolmates, he has also invited some other friends in the same town (whom also I know, such as Alice Chan) for this party.
It was a splendid party yesterday evening and I was really quite touched to see so many old friends and classmates again.
We spent alot of time talking, joking, gossiping, drinking and even some started to dance when the music starts.
The party ends about midnight but nobody wants to leave. In fact, most of us stay until 2 to 3am until we are exhausted and tired.
It was a great evening and I really wish we could organise this kind of party every year ... no matter how old we are.

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